Collab with Smiling Dreamer!!

Greetings earthlings!! šŸ™‚

I’m doing a collab about school with Smiling Dreamer today!! šŸ™‚ She’s amazing so please go check out her blog ā¤

Here goes šŸ˜€

1. What makes a good teacher good?
Someone who actually cares about the students and tries to help everyone achieve to the best of their ability. Also when you can talk to them about random things and have fun šŸ™‚
2. How did you make the most of your high school experience?
I’m still in high school but I tried to sign up for things I was interested in because those are the memories you remember, not just the classes but the extra-curricular stuff. I’m doing production for my second year and choir for the third year in a row and honestly it made school that much better.
3. Do you prefer going to the same sex or co-ed schools?
I’m currently at a girls only school and I love it!! I understand why people would prefer co-ed though because I have little to no skill with talking to boys of my own age šŸ˜‰ But my school has really changed me and made me a better person but most importantly introduced and cemented my relationship with some of the most amazing girls in the world who I am lucky to call my friends so i would do nothing different if given the chance ā¤
4. If you got to choose whether or not you go to school, would you?
I’m part of one of those weird species of human who actually enjoys school and like schedules etc. Obviously I hate Swimming Sports and doing maths homework but other than that I love everything about high school!
5. What is 1 piece of advice you wish someone had told you when starting high school?
To enjoy every moment and to not spend it worrying about what could be because then I would miss what actually happened which in reality was much better šŸ˜€Ā 
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6. When you get bored during a lesson, what do you start doing?
We all get student planners and they’re basically like our school version of a normal planner but with a map, information on school, places to write phone numbers and to write down the grades you got on different assessments in different subjects. There are two blank white pages at the back and front of it and I tend to doodle on it. I remember in year 9, everyone got friends to write or doodle on it for them, unfortunately, I lost my year 9 planner but I have my year 10 and 11 and I don’t plan on losing this year’s either šŸ˜‰ I’m also a book worm so sometimes if I’m early I’ll just read.
7. What do you usually do on your bus ride to & from school?
Sometimes I read but usually it’s my quiet time before school and I just enjoy it and contemplate life.
8. Which subject do you love the most? Why?
I love English and Classics because Greek mythology is fascinating and I love learning about it and because I love watching movies, reading books and pulling it apart with teachers and students alike.
9. What motivates you to study?Ā 
It really depends on what subject I am studying for. English and Classics I enjoy so I choose to do it but I like it but other subjects I just have to make myself because not everyone gets the chance to study and I made a commitment so I have to stick by it… even if it is incredibly hard and not worth it at all.
10. If you can change only 1 rule/policy in your school, what would it be?
To make laptops compulsory, I mean I like laptops but they’ve gone slightly crazy with it I think. Not all subjects are suited to it and the only class with an actual bok is chemistry and I love it SOOO MUCH!!!! ā¤
Thank you so much for reading everyone and I hope you enjoyed šŸ™‚
Let me know what your favourite high school experience was in the comments below because I’m sure they’ll be incredible!!
Anju šŸ™‚

10 Comments Add yours

    1. mandalf584 says:

      Thank you šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Marioness says:

    Nice collab! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mandalf584 says:

      Thank you!! šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay! You posted it! šŸ˜Š I love your answers! ā¤ I’m going to post it tomorrow, since I haven’t had time at all! šŸ˜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mandalf584 says:

      Thanks!! šŸ˜€ Can’t wait to read yours!! šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. luimariablog says:

    loved this post! (not just coz it had pics of me lol!) šŸ˜€ and I agree about the laptop thing – although I guess it means less books… but how is that a good thing lol? šŸ˜‰ ā¤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mandalf584 says:

      Well I don’t think less books is bad but its like they’re making everything so much harder than it needs to be by not using books. We know technology is advancing and everyone uses it so they don’t have to force it on us!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. luimariablog says:

        yes so true!! šŸ™‚ ā¤

        Liked by 1 person

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